Eastern Wisdom Collection
Regular price
$ 120.00
This collection includes the following series :
- Introduction to Oriental Philosophy
- On Buddhism
- On Taoism
- Way of Liberation
- Introduction to Hinduism
- On Hinduism
- On Yoga
Religion of No Religion
- Journey to India
- The Middle Way
- Buddhism as Dialogue
- Religion of No Religion
- Wisdom of the Mountains
- Diamond Web
- Transcending Duality
- Introduction to Zen
- Early Chinese Zen
- Uncarved Block
- Zen Bones
- Biting an Iron Bull
- World As Just So
- Swimming Headless
- Wisdom of the Ridiculous
- Philosophy of the Tao
- Way Beyond Seeking
- Landscape, Soundscape
Zen & Meditation
- Democratization of Buddhism
- The Controlled Accident
- Meditation
- Zenrin Poems
- Art of Meditation
- Why Not Now?
- Introduction to a Contemplative Ritual
- A Contemplative Ritual
Total Length: 35 hours 33 minutes
Note: You will be downloading a zip file. Please unzip the file and transfer to your favorite device to listen.